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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Welcome Wreath

So...I am back. Two months is better than four right. I smell improvement. Time is flying this summer. I feel like there should be another name for this season of the year other than summer for folks working the 9 to 5 in the "real world". I have been waiting for "summer" all summer-long and now fall is around the corner.

I have just completed my second rotation of my fourth year. Seven more to go and I will FINALLY be a pharmacist. Insert Hallelujah chorus. I don't want to say it was "easy", but was pretty easy. I got to leave early most days, which was wonderful. I mean, if you are working for free paying to work for 12 months, it's nice when they let you go a little early..

So, I should have taken advantage of this "easier" rotation and prepared for some of my "harder" ones that are to come BUT....I spent most of the month crafting. The hubs and I are scrimping and saving every penny we can (will explain in more detail in a later post), so my budget for all this diy-goodness was well...virtually non-existent. I decided to challenge myself to make do with what we have here at the house, so we will see how this thing turns out!

So, here's how my first project went. Our front door was pretty barren. It's not the quaintest door you've ever seen in the first place (Still waiting on black barred doors to come in style), and was in desperate need of some decor. A leftover wreath from a baby shower I threw back in the early spring (along with two other loves) for one of my oldest and dearest friends was begging for some TLC.

Here is what she looked like for the shower.
...LOVED the way it turned out for the shower, but not the most durable thing ever with paper pennants and all, i got to work one day while watching "Who the Bleep did I Marry?" on Netflix (no judgement please) and was surprised by how well it turned out. Gobs of hot glue, a painted letter F I had been saving, and some scrap fabric later, and here she is in all her glory! me some sweet rosettes

...know I am a little late to the wreath fad as with most everything, but happy with the way things turned out

...and this post would not be complete without a picture of our ferocious beast of a guard dog:-)

A much warmer welcome to our home I think...and the best part of all, it was fuh-ree!


The Taylors said...

When I first clicked on and saw the wreath that said "Lauren's Baby Shower" I thought this must be an announcement post. =o)

Lauren Fee said...

Haha no not yet...kinda wish that were true:-) I happen to have two best friends from high school with the same name as me!